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Electron and Phonon Confinement and Surface Phonon Modes in 

CdSe-CdS Core-Shell Nanocrystals 

A. Singha^, B. Satpati"'", P.V. Satyam^ and Anushree Roy|*| 
"^Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, WB, India 
"^Institute of Physics, Bhuhaneswar 751005, India 


Optical and vibrational properties of bare and CdS shelled CdSe nanocrystalline particles are 
investigated. To confirm the formation of such nanocrystals in our samples we estimate their 
average particle sizes and size distributions using TEM measurements. From the line profile analysis 
of the images the core-shell structure in the particles has been confirmed. The blue shift in optical 
absorption spectra, analyzed using theoretical estimates based on the effective bond order model, 
establishes the electron confinement in the nanoparticles. Unique characteristics of the nanocrystals 
(which are absent in the corresponding bulk material), such as confinement of optical phonons and 
the appearance of surface phonons, are then discussed. Making use of the dielectric response 
function model we are able to match the experimental and theoretical values of the frequencies of 
the surface phonons. We believe that our studies using optical probes provide further evidence on 
the existence of core-shell structures in CdSe-CdS type materials. 

* Electronic address: |anushree@phy.iitkgp.ernetTiii| 


(a) (b) 


FIG. 1: Schematic drawing of the nano-onion and core-sheh type nanoparticles 

Over last couple of decades, unique physical properties due to quantum confinement e 
fects have been reported for a wide range of semiconductor nanocrystalline materials ^|. 
Since in these systems surface to volume ratio is high compared to that of corresponding 
bulk materials, surface states play a crucial role in determining their physical properties. 
The surface of nanocrystals is made of atoms that are not fully coordinated. Hence, they 
are highly active and these surface atoms act like defect states unless they are passivated by 
either organic ligands or higher bandgap semiconductor materials . Thus, the current 
direction in this field of research includes modification of given size-quantized semiconduc- 
tor particles by means of surface chemistry. In the literature, we find reports on quantum 
dot-quantum well (QDQW) and core-shell nanocrystalline structures due to surface modi- 
fications of the particles. QDQW is a three layered structure consisting of a size quantized 
particle acting as a core [marked 'a' in Fig. 1(a)] and a complete layer of another mate- 
rial on the surface [marked 'b' in Fig. 1(a)] of this core, which is again covered by core 
material as an outermost shell. This core-shell-core structure is marked as a-b-a in Fig. 
1(a). Colloquially, these particular structures are also called 'nano-onions'. Recently, Dorfs 
and Eychmiiller have outlined the preparation and characterization of a series of QDQW 
systems containing two wells Js]. Coating nanoparticles by another material yields core-shell 
nanocrystals [see Fig. 1(b)] [jj]. 

In core-shell strucure, like inorganic epitaxial shell growth, the organic ligands cannot 
passivate both cationic and anionic surface sites of the core The particles passivated by 


inorganic shell structures are more robust than organically passivated nanocrystals and have 
greater tolerance to processing conditions necessary for incorporation into solid structures P| . 
For effective surface passivation, the core particles having certain band gap are capped with 
a higher band gap material. Moreover, the conduction band energy of the capping (shell) 
material is usually higher than that of the core material with the valence band energy of the 

capp.ns ..enal be.„s >owe. TMs ene,etic s.t„atio„ . caUed a type- I st.ct.eU. Due 

to presence of higher band gap capping material, the photogenerated excitons in the core 
remain localized in the same region and are forced to recombine while spatially confined 
in the core. Confinement of electrons in the nanocrystals gives rise to blue shift in optical 
absorption and PL spectra of the material. As the non-radiative decay channels through 
surface states are not accessible for these electrons, core-shell structures thus formed show 
higher luminescence quantum yields , , Q, S, III I lower fluorescence life time 
and many other benefits related to tuning of band gap in two materials. 

Like electrons, phonons are also confined in nanocrystals. In bulk crystals, the phonon 
eigenstate is a plane wave and wavevector selection rule for the first order Raman scattering 
requires g ~ 0. In contrast, the spatial correlation function of the phonon becomes finite 
due to its confinement in the nanocrystal and hence the g ~ selection rule gets relaxed. 
In general, the phonon- dispersion curves of bulk crystals show the frequency to be a 
decreasing function of wavevector q. Hence, the first order Raman line shifts and broadens 
towards the low frequency side for the nanocrystals. This has been proposed and explained 
by phonon confinement model Confinement of phonons for Si, Ge^ _BN^ CdS. ,;Se i_-,, 


and many other nanocrystals have been reported in the literature 

As mentioned before, surface states play an important role in deciding different physical 
properties of nanocrystals. For a plane wave propagating in the x-direction in a bulk crystal, 
the temporal and spatial variation of the wave is described by the factor exp[i{kx — ujt)], 
where the wavevector k = (u/c) \J eioj); eiuj) is the dielectric constant of the crystal. In 
the frequency range between bulk longitudinal optical (LO) phonon frequency, ojlo^ and 
transverse optical (TO) mode frequency, ojtoi ^ij^) < 0, is imaginary. Therefore, in this 
frequency range the wave decays exponentially in the medium, i.e. it can not propagate 
in bulk crystals and only surface modes exist [20]. Because of enhanced surface to volume 
ratio these modes appear for nanocrystals and it provides relevant information on surface 
states. Recently, Baranov et al have reported the surface phonon modes in ZnS shelled CdSe 


particles |21|. 

Characteristics of bare CdSe nanocrysals are now well established. CdSe nanocrystals 
passivated with long organic chain (like TOPO) have room t emp erature photoluminescence 
(PL) (quantum yield 10%) with very long fluorescence time [sjls^- The inorganic shelling 
of CdSe core by CdS has also been explored and shown to be better for surface passivation. 

Previous HRTEM anc 
not form an alloy 

XPS measurements have shown that shell growth in this system does 

24| . The lattice mismatch of 3.9% between CdS and CdSe is small 

enough to allow epitaxial growth while still preventing alloying. Moreover, the difference in 
band gap ( 2.42 eV for CdS and 1.74 eV for CdSe at room temperature) is large enough 
for shell growth. The room temperature PL yield for CdSe-CdS core-shell system has been 
reported to be upto 50% P]. The electronic structure in this material can be understood 
from molecular orbital model and particle in a box model, as discussed in Ref. |^]. The same 
las also been discussed from the analysis of photoelectron spectra from core-shell structure 
2^ . The high photostability of the system has been explained by confinement of electrons 
and holes in the core-shell region. 

In this article, we have discussed the optical properties of marcaptoacetic acid stabilized 
bare CdSe particles and CdS capped CdSe particles. The nanoparticles have been char- 
acterized by their absorption spectra as well as by high resolution transmission electron 
microscope (HRTEM) images. The optical transition is modeled using Effective bond order 
model (EBOM). Average particle size and size distribution of the particles have been esti- 
mated from both HRTEM images and optical absorption measurements; which have been 
further supported by Raman measurements. We have quantitatively analyzed asymmetric 
Raman line shapes including both confined optic modes and surface phonon modes. The 
observed frequencies of the SP modes in these systems have been compared with the cal- 
culations based on the dielectric response function model. In Section II of this article, we 
have briefiy discussed the sample preparation procedure, which we have followed. Section HI 
deals with analysis of HRTEM images of the samples. Section IV demonstrates the optical 
properties of the samples, studied by optical absorption and PL spectroscopy. Detail anal- 
ysis of phonon spectra is reported in Section V. Finally, in section VI, we have summarized 
our results with a few concluding remarks. 



A. Chemicals 

For sample preparation, Cadmium perchlorate, [Cd(C104)2] and Marcaptoacetic acid 
[HS-CH2-COOH] were purchased from Aldrich, USA and LOBA Chemie, India respectively. 
Anhydrous Sodium sulfite [Na2S03] and Sodium sulfide [Na2S] were from MERCK Ltd., 
India and S. D. Fine Chem. LTD., India respectively. Solid Selenium powder [Se] and 
Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] were used as received. 

B. Preparation of stock solution of Na2SeS03 

1.0 gm of Se powder was added in 200 ml (1.1 M) hot Na2S03 solu- 
tion under stirring condition and then boiled for half an hour. Subsequently, 
the solution was cooled at room temperature and the aqueous layer was fil- 
tered using Whatman filter paper. This solution is used as the stock solution. 

NaaSOs +Se ^ Na2SeS03 

C. Preparation of marcaptoacetic acid stabilized CdSe nanocrystals : Sample A 

Following Liu etal^, 150 ml of Cd(C104)2 (2 x 10"^ M) and 150 ml of HS-CH2-COOH 
(2 xlO"'' M) were mixed and stirred vigorously for about 5 min. Here, the latter acts as a 
stabilizing agent. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 9.0 by adding aqueous NaOH (1.0 
M) solution and heated to 100"C under N2 atmosphere. Subsequently, 0.5 ml of Na2SeS03 
was added drop wise to the solution and boiled again for about half an hour under stirring 
condition. The solution turned orange in color indicating the formation of CdSe particles. 

D. Preparation of marcaptoacetic acid stabilized CdSe-CdS core-shell nanocrys- 
tals: Sample B 

For the preparation of coated CdSe-CdS particle, the above CdSe solution was cooled 
to 50"C and 20 /il of Cd(C104)2 (O.IM) and 20 /xl of Na2S (O.IM) were added drop wise 
alternatively under stirring condition in N2 atmosphere. After 30 min of stirring the solution 


turned orange-red in color due to formation of CdSe-CdS core-shell particles. 


Samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy were deposited onto 300 mesh copper 
TEM grids coated with 50 nm carbon films. Samples A and B are suspended in water; 
thus, directly added drop-wise on the grid. The excess water was allowed to evaporate in 
air. The grids were examined in JEOL 2010 microscope with Ultra-High Resolution (UHR) 
microscope using a LaBg filament operated at 200 kV. HRTEM images of many nanocrystals 
for each sample were measured and analyzed. 

TEM has been used to determine the particle size and size distribution of the afore- 
mentioned nanocrsytals. Also, using_the high resolution TEM, it is possible to confirm the 
core-shell structure of nanocrystals [4^. Low magnification TEM micrographs are shown in 
Fig. 2 (a) and (c) for Sample A and B, respectively. Fig. 2(b) and (d) are the histogram 
plots, obtained by measuring sizes of many particles per sample. Size distribution for the 
nanoparticles are usually found to be log-normal: 

Here d is the average size and a is related to the size distribution of the particles. By 
fitting the frequency plot using Eqn. 1 (solid lines in Fig. 2), we have estimated the average 
particle size [d) and a of the particles, which are listed in Table I. The size distribution of 
the particles is estimated to be more spread out for bare particles (Sample A) compared to 
the other sample. 

Transmission electron microscopy measurements provide the convincing proof of the crys- 
talline core-shell structure of the sample. Fig. 3 shows high resolution micrograph of selected 
nanocrystals along the line profiles. The contrast in the image depends on the electron den- 
sity in the object forming the image. Hence, CdS is expected to show less contrast than 
CdSe since the former has fewer electrons per unit cell. The line profile of the image con- 
trast for Sample A and B corresponding the the images are presented in Fig. 3 (b) and (d). 
For Sample A, we observe a smooth drop in the contrast near the edge of the nanocrystal. 
In comparison, the line profile of core-shell nanocrystals (Sample B), exhibit a trend of a 
stepwise-drop. The contrast can also be explained by the change in thickness of nanocrystals, 







d nm 





Sample A 






Sample B 






TABLE I: Comaparison of the average size and size distribution of the particles in Sample A and B 
as obtained from blue shift in TEM images, optical absorption bands and confinement of phonons 


Band I nm (eV) 

Band II nm (eV) 

PL peak nm (eV) 

Sample A 

577 (2.15) 

538 (2.31) 

Sample B 

606 (2.05) 


541 (2.29) 

TABLE II: (a) Optical absorption and PL bands for Sample A and Sample B 

but it is not very probable that it would occur in such a step-like way. From the HRTEM 
images the average shell thickness of the particles in Sample B has been estimated to be 1.2 

From the micrograph [Fig. 3 a], we have determined the lattice spacing in Sample A to 
be 3.72 A, which corresponds to (100) plane of CdSe in hexagonal phase j26[. 

A. Electron confinement : Optical absorption spectroscopy 

Fig. 4(a) shows the optical-absorption spectra for the samples A and B. The absorption 
band energy (wavelength) from these samples are tabulated in Table II. The bulk band gaps 
for CdSe and CdS at room temperature are 1.74 eV and 2.42 eV, respectively. Samples A 
(CdSe particles) show only Band I at 2.15 eV in optical absorption spectrum (see Table II). 
We have observed that due to CdS shell growth a new band (Band II) at 2.60 eV appears 
in the optical absorption spectrum in addition to Band I. 

The blueshift in the optical absorption spectra of the particle from that for bulk CdSe and 
CdS arises from the confinement of charge carriers in the nanocrystals. Assuming the parti- 
cles to be spherical, the optical-absorption coefficient of the collection of the monodispersed 
particles of average diameter d at low temperature is given by 


Electronic transition 

Confinement energy (ev) 






o o 







b / 






D O 













o o 







1 o 

























TABLE III: The confinement energy, IS.E, changes with diameter of the particle d by following the 
relation /S.E = Ai/(F^; where Ai? is in eV and (i in A 

^(^)-E (^_g;;^r. . (2) 

where, fi is the oscillator strength, Ei is the transition frequency and Fj is the half width 
at half maxima (HWHM) for the ith interband transition. Due to thermal broadening and 
inhomogeneous broadening due to size distribution of the particles Eqn. 2 is modified to 

where P{d) is the log-normal size distribution of the particles, same as Eqn.l. The results 
of single band effective mass approximation model do not agree with the optical absorption 
spectra of the nanocrystals because it neglects intervalence band mixing and deviation from 
quadratic dispersion. This has been shown in the literature for bare CdSe or CdS particles 
and CdS-CdSe mixed crystals [l^ have assumed results from effective bond order 

model by Ramaniah and Nair on interband transition in quantum dots of CdS and CdSe 
and considered the following transitions : IFg^-lFg , IFg^-lFf , IFg — IFg , 2Ff-lFg", 2Fg-lF8 , 
IF^-lFg , 3F7-1F^, for CdSe core IFg -IFt^f-lF^ for CdS shell j22i]. Confinement energies 
for these transitions as obtained in Ref. '23] are tabulated in Table IIF We have grouped 
these transitions in 3 types for CdSe and 1 type for CdS, according to their confinement 
energies. Since the oscillator strength is not very sensitive to particle diameter ci > 2 — 3 


nm, the value of ft corresponds to those of d= 4.8 nm for transitions in CdS and d= 4.6 
nm for CdSe as obtained in Ref. j^^]. The confinement energy (AE) for these 4 types of 
transitions vs. particle size have been plotted in Fig. 5. For A{E) we have assumed the 
empirical relation 

AiE) = A/d-', (4) 

where Ai and Xj are constants for a particular transition. We have fitted the 4 types of 
transitions with Eqn.4 (shown in Fig. 5) and estimated the values of Ai and Xi for these 
transitions, which are given in Table III. Taking Ei{d) = Ef^^ + Ai/d""- we have fitted the 
experimental optical absorption spectra, shown by dashed-dotted lines in Fig 4(b) and (c) for 
Sample A and B, respectively. It can be seen that the theoretical curves fit the experimental 
data reasonably well. The values of average particle size and a from the above analysis 
are tabulated in Table I. The same Table also reveals the comparison between the average 
sizes of the particles obtained from optical absorption measurements and HRTEM frequency 

B. Photoluminescence 

Photoluminescence spectra is obtained using 1200 g/mm holographic grating, a holo- 
graphic supernotch filter, and a Peltier cooled CCD detector. Spectra are taken using 488 
nm Argon ion laser as an excitation source . 

Figure 6 shows the PL spectra from the Samples A and B. The PL peak positions, 
obtained by fitting each spectrum by a Gaussian distribution have been tabulated in Table 
II. PL peaks from all the samples are slightly blue or red shifted from the first excitonic peak 
in the absorption spectra. This shift results from the convolution of the size distribution 
and the emitting state and excitation energy for the excitation near the first peak [2^ 3|. 
The detail study on the photo-stability of the particles, prepared exactly by the same route, 
has been reported in Ref 



In order to understand the nature of phonon confinement and appearance of new surface 
modes in our samples, we liave performed Raman scattering studies. Raman spectra are 
obtained using the same experimental set up as used for the above mentioned PL measure- 
ments. The sht width of the spectrometer during the experiment was 50 /im. The first order 
Raman spectra for the sarnples are shown in Fig. 7. Using the phonon confinement model 
of Campbell and Fauchet [l^, the first order Raman spectrum Ic{(^) is given by 

Jo [w - i^(q)]= + (r„i/2f' 
where ci;(q) and Tqj are the phonon dispersion curve and the natural line width (FWHM) of 
the corresponding bulk materials, C(0, q) is the Fourier coefficient of the phonon confinement 
function. A is an arbitrary constant. j=l for CdS and j=2 for CdSe. For nanoparticles, 
it has been shown that the phonon confinement function, which fits the experimental data 
best, is W{r,dz) = exp(^^^^), the square of the Fourier coefficient of which is given by 
|C(0, q)|^ = exp (— ll^)- Here, di is the average size of the spherical nanocrystals in Sample 
A and d2 is the average diameter of the core in Sample B. On the other hand, for the shell 
component of particles in core-shell structure (Sample B), we have used an additional phonon 
confinement function for CdS shell, given by 







where t is the average shell thickness for the particles. The average phonon dispersion in 
the bulk CdSe and CdS crystal for the LO phonon modes are taken as 2^, Q 

ujiq) = u;i-Au;^{q]) (7) 

which fits the experimental curve well in the direction of F-M upto qmax = 0.4. Uq is the 
corresponding bulk LO phonon frequency :ujI = 302 cm~^ and ujI= 213 cm^^. Auj^ is the 
band width of bulk LO phonon branch : Au^ = 102 cm^^, Au"^ = 118 cm^^. In the above 
equations, qj is taken in unit of 27c /aj, where, aj is the lattice constant of the material. We 
have taken ai=5.82 A and 02=6. 08 A [26]. 


In addition to LO phonon peak, we have also observed additional peaks in the spectra 
for Sample A and B. Keeping in mind the possibility of the presence of the surface phonons 
(SP) between longitudinal and transverse optical phonon modes, together with the confined 
optical phonon, we have fitted this additional peak with the Lorentzian function 

where usp and Tsp are the peak position and the HWHM, respectively, for the SP mode. We 
fit the full spectrum for Sample A and B by a combined line shape /(cu) = P d'^) + Igp{uj). 
The best fit obtained for both the samples are shown by the solid lines in Fig. 7. The phonon 
confinement components are shown by dashed lines and the surface phonon components are 
shown by dotted lines in Fig. 7. In the fitting procedure, we have kept d^, t, usp, Psp, A 
and B as fitting parameters. For the best fit of the spectra the values of Tq2/2 for Sample 
A and Sample B are taken to be 32 cm~^ and 14.5 cm~^. We attribute the variation in the 
value of ro2/2 from sample to sample to the difference in size distribution of the particles. 
From the non-linear least square fit, the average particle size (di) for Sample A is obtained 
as 4.7 nm. The core diameter ((i2)and shell (film) thickness, t, for Sample B are obtained as 
4.0 nm and 1.25 nm. This estimates average particle diameter {d2 + 1) in Sample B to be 
5.25 nm. The diameters of the particles in Sample A and B thus measured are very close to 
the same estimated from optical absorption and HRTEM measurements [see Table I]. We 
have observed that the SP modes for Sample A at 183 cm^^ and for CdSe and CdS -like 
modes in Sample B at 180 cm~^ and 244 cm~^, respectively. The ratio of A/B is 2x10^ for 
Sample A, whereas, the ratio of the same for CdS-like and CdSe-like modes in sample B are 
85 and 68. 

For core-shell nanocrystals, we have considered the optical modes as the response of the 
two types of oscillators under applied electric fields. The effective oscillator strength is 
proportional to the density of the oscillators. Assuming nonoverlapping restrahlen bands 
for these two modes ujloi > ^toi > ^lo2 > ^^to2, the dielectric response function of a 
core-shell particle can be taken as [lol 

e{uj) = peiiu) + {1 - p)e2{uj) (9) 
where ei^u) and e2{uj) are given by 


and eoo is the high frequency dielectric constant of the crystal. Here, we have taken p = 
t/{t + x), where t is the CdS shell thickness, as taken earlier and x is the depth of penetration 
of the surface phonon within the CdSe core region of the core-shell structure. Substituting 
Eqn. 10 in Eqn. 9 for both CdS and CdSe like modes and using e{u!) = —{I + l)em/l fsO], we 
get the following equation for the surface phonon frequencies of the core-shell nanocrystals: 

4 2 
CO — UJ 


+ ^T02 + 










1 + 







^TOl ^T02 

Here, K = {I + l)em// + pe]^ + (1 — p)e^; uloj and ujtoj are longitudinal and transverse 
mode phonon frequencies for CdS and CdSe. is the dielectric constant of the medium, 
marcaptoacetic acid in our case. The theory of electron-phonon interaction shows that 
SP modes with / > 1 and those with /=even can contribute to Raman scattering via the 


32j | or the Frohlich electron-phonon 

deformation potential of electron-phonon interaction 
coupling respectively. The higher SP modes (/ > 2) contribute only slightly to the 
scattering intensity. Thus, we can assign the surface modes only with 1=2. As before, we 
have taken the values of dj^oi and ujlo2 as 302 cm~^ and 213 cm~^ and the values of ujtoi 
and UJT02 as 238 cm^^ and 168 cm^^, respectively. The values of other parameters are 
= 14.3, el^=5.5 and = 8.9 js^. The average value of t is known from HRTEM and Raman 
measurements to be 1.2 nm. The solid line and the dashed line in Fig. 8 shows the variation 
of CdS-like and CdSe-like SP frequencies with x for / = 2 using Eqn. 11. The observed 
values of CdS-like and CdSe like SP frequencies in Sample B are shown as filled circles in 
Fig. 8. These values correspond to x= 1.8. 

We have observed that the SP mode for Sample A at 183 cm~^, which is very close 
to the value of ujsp (182 cm"^) for pure CdSe particles, obtained from Eqn. 10. On the 
other hand, the observed CdS-like SP frequency (244 cm~^) from the shell component of 
the Sample B is away from the frequency (252 cm~^) of the same for pure CdS particles, 
estimated directly from Eqn. 10 or with x=0 (p=l) in Eqn. 11 (shown by filled square in 
Fig. 8). However, it is close to the value, 243 cm~^, obtained from Eqn. 12 with a;=1.8 







Sample A 



Sample B 





TABLE IV: Calculated and experimental CdS and CdSe- like SP frequencies in Sample A and B. 
The unit for above frequencies are in cm~^ 

using dielectric response function model for two oscillators. The corresponding CdSe-like 
mode in Sample B is expected to appear at 176 cm^^. The mismatch between this estimated 
value and observed frequency of SP mode (180 cm^^) for the core material may be due to 
the effect of interface between core and shell structure. The SP frequencies for the CdS- 
like and CdSe-like modes in Sample A and B as obtained from the experiments and above 
calculations are tabulated in Table IV. 

It is interesting to note that if CdSe-CdS would form a mixed crystal in the solution, 
we expect (from detailed theory of SP modes in mixed crystals) CdSe-like and CdS-like SP 
modes for sample B to appear at 204 cm~^ and 267 cm"^, respectively 3|- This is far away 
from what we have got experimentally. Thus, the above discussion implies that from the 
SP frequencies of the expected shell material, one can confirm the formation of core-shell 
like particle, rather than formation of mixed nano crystallites or individual particle of shell 
material in the sample. 


Our goal in this article was to show electron and phonon confinement in the CdSe-CdS 
core-shell nanostructure. To this end, we have first confirmed the existence of the core-shell 
structure in our samples, prepared by soft chemical route, using HRTEM images. Subse- 
quently, to analyze the electronic transitions we focus on optical absorption measurements, 
supported by theoretical considerations of the effective bond order model. Furthermore, the 
first order Raman line shape of the CdSe-CdS nanocrystals is quantitatively explained by 
taking into account both confined phonon modes and SP modes. The frequencies of SP 
modes are shown to match well with their calculated values as obtained from the dielec- 
tric response function model. We also demonstrate that due to passivated surface states 
CdS capped samples exhibit clear SP modes separated from LO modes in core-shell type 


nanocrystallites. In summery, we have presented a technique to confirm the core-shell struc- 
ture in this type of semiconductor nanostructure. 

While analysing the optical absorption of the CdSe-CdS core-shell structure using effective 
bond order model, we have assumed the expected electronic transitions for CdSe and CdS 
particles. The phonon confinement in the shell structure is explained by taking the shell as 
a thin layer on CdSe core. The above assumptions may or may not play a crucial role in 
analyzing the data. However, more accurate theoretical models are necessary to understand 
core-shell strucure better. 


AR thanks DST and BRNS in India, for financial support. 

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FIG. 2: Low magnification micrographs and histogram of the nanocrystals. (a) is the TEM micro- 
graph and (b) is the corresponding histogram for Samples A. Similarly, (c) is the micrograph and 
(d) is the corresponding histogram for Sample B. 


FIG. 3: High resolution TEM micrographs and corresponding Hne profiles for Sample A and B. 





Sample A 
Sample B 

_ Bulk Band gap 







I 0-0 

2 - 






Bulk Band gap 
of CdS 

1 I 






2.0 2.5 
Energy (eV) 





Sample A 



Band I 

1 .^^'^^ 


Sample B 

Band II 

^ (c) 

- - Fitted 

Band I 


1 , 1 


FIG. 4: (a) Optical absorption spectra for Sample A and B. The dotted line is the spectrum for 
CdSe particles and solid line is for CdSe-CdS core-shell particles. The bulk band gap positions for 
CdS and CdSe are shown by arrows, (b) and (c) The dashed dotted lines are the nonlinear least 
square fit to the experimental curves (solid lines) using effective bond order model. 


20 30 40 50 60 20 30 40 50 60 
Diameter (A°) 

FIG. 5: The variation in AE with respect to diameter, d, of the particle for different transitions in 
effective bond order model for CdSe and CdS. The curve through the points are fit to AE = Ai/d^\ 


•a 0.8 



Sample A 
- Sample B 

2.2 2.4 

Energy (eV) 


FIG. 6: PL spectra for Sample A and B. 


FIG. 7: Raman spectra for Sample A and Sample B are shown by filled circles. Phonon confinement 
components and surface phonon components are given by dashed and dotted lines, respectively. 
Solid lines correspond to the best fit to the experimental data using combined Raman line shapes 


255 n 

1 _ ^ 








' 1 ' 


1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 

} -l ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 

FIG. 8: Variation of CdS like (dashed line) and CdSe like (solid line) SP phonon frequencies with 
X. The solid circles are SP frequencies for the Sample B. The solid square is the estimated SP 
frequency in pure CdS nanoparticle [x=0 ; p=l]